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Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-14 um 21.56_edited.jpg


Ly Pham Suter in front of a white Magnolia



​​Ly Pham Suter is a Vietnamese-born, Swiss artist, currently living and working in Fislisbach. Her curiosity in art started at the young age of thirteen with aquarelle and acrylic painting. Her aquarelle work was mostly encouraged by the Impressionists Monet and Renoir while her acrylic painting was largely influenced by Dali. Both genres have left a distinctive mark on her artwork. Ly Pham Suter now specializes in oil painting. The careful selection and the precise way of application of the colour render a controlled expressive melting into rich compositions. Her current work is inspired by people from all walks of life.

"I come from a rich cultural background and I always worked with people. In my experience, key in working with people is the ability to listen and to understand before spinning into action. In my passion for artwork, I aim to capture the human spirit on an individual level with its various emotions and aspects surpassing all boundaries that separate us: need of joy and harmony, love, happiness, survival, change, victory, appreciation, freedom, endless time. My painting expresses those feelings across the phases in life. Based on their own emotional needs some may be able to relate more, some may less. This I leave up to each viewer individually."


2015-2017  MB Programme, F+F School of Art and Design, Zurich, Switzerland

2013-2014  Adult and Continuing Education, Art Workshops, Egg, Switzerland

2001           Lic. rer. publ. HSG / M.A. HSG, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland


2025           Badener Tagblatt, p.26, March 13th

2025           Reussbote, p.9, March 7th

2025           Fislisbacher Zitig, p.21, February 28th

2025           Rundschau Süd, p.1 and 5, February 27th

2025           Seniorenpost, p. 1 and 14-15, Nr. 1, January

2022           Reussbote, p.3, May 17th

2019           lenzburg regional, October 29th

2016           Zolliker Bote, March 4th

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